Hello everyone, as we roll our way into October, let’s take a look at the goings on at RsBandB this past September. And someone remember to wake up Green Day!
In Informer matters, Cireon started us off this month by Untangling Runescape’s Spaghetti Code. Shane decided to make a lot of money with Farming, and was gracious enough to show us how to do it too. Tanis talked about remastering different parts of the game and how it brings life to old sections. And finally, Alex was completely floored by the Bank rework. Go check out his pictures!
In Skill of the Month news, we held very successful Woodcutting and Mining events. Congratulations to Jamandy52 who had 4.8m Woodcutting XP and Ukn Raptoid with 7.45m Mining XP for their wins! Here are your trophies:

If you like what we’re doing at Rsbandb and would like to support us with more than just kind words,have a look at our Patreon page. For just a few bucks a month, you could unlock all sorts of great content, and in doing so, help us take Rsbandb to the next level.
Well, that’s it for us this month. Have a safe and happy October everyone!
Hello again everyone, as summer reaches its zenith, it’s time to go over all the goings on at RsBandB. We had a smaller amount of articles this past month than usual owing to usual summertime distractions and diversions, but what we did have were excellent. Alex got us started off with his review of Jagex’s […]
Hello everyone, as March comes to a close, I hope to wish everyone a happy return to spring and warmer weather (at least, in the northern hemisphere). In Informer our team put out some very good quality articles for your perusal. Alex covered the removal of Bounty Hunter in his article Killing it with Fire, […]
Hello RsBandB! I’m back again to take a look back on the first month of the year at RsBandB, and to look ahead to what looks to be an exciting month ahead. Informer saw some great articles from our quintet of writers, starting off with Tanis’s Mining and Smithing Rock, about, you guessed it, the […]
Hello, fellow RsBandBers! Your friendly neighbourhood King Kulla here, asking the important question, where did November go? Seriously it felt like it was just the end of summer a few weeks ago. Anyway, let’s have a look at what happened at RsBandB in this oddly short month. Informer had a few really great articles come […]
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