So here we are in October, summer is well and truly dead, the nights are setting in. This month we have some awfully interesting articles for your reading pleasures. You can find them all here. I’ll highlight a few if you’re too lazy to go through that list. Shane has written a very informative article on Computer Science, Alex analyzes Summer’s End and Bluebrisingr shows off her first RS story. There are plenty of other intriguing articles this month though, so don’t forget to check them all out!
This month PhoenixEmpire claimed his first SOTM win with this signature:

Here is your trophy:

Also, Xbladez won the Thieving SKOTM with 3.72M xp gained. It was a close race with Mark in second with 3.62M xp. Here is your trophy:

Also, I’d like to welcome Shwa to the Informer as a P2P RS-writer. He’ll be starting up later this month.
Brad, Shane, MQ, and The Informer Staff
Welcome to RSBANDBInformer! This month, as always, we have some interesting, informative and humorous articles for your reading pleasure. The topics for this issue range from; The new German beta launch, as well as the various other Runescape update news, and if you are growing a little tired of Runescape, we have an article recomending […]
Welcome to the RSBANDB Informer! November issue, covering the month of October. Alot has happened in the last month. First off, we have moved RSBandB to a new server, that is why we are delayed by a day in getting this issue out. The new server has more RAM and is a significant upgrade on […]
The economy in general seems to have slumped this month, with every single item bar one (prayer potions) in our list dropping in price, in the case of the party hats, in a substantial amount. There seems to be no particular reason for this, no updates have been released that would directly affect the economy […]
By Creepy * note* For privacy issues the person being interviewed will be known as honman, this is not his RS name it’s purly there to stop people trying to contact him. Creepy: Hello there Honman :} Honman: Hello Creepy ^^ Creepy: So what made you want to get 99 mining? Why mining over anything […]
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