September is often associated with change, for example, people going back to school or the inevitable change in seasons. This September is no different, bringing a little bit of change to RSBANDBInformer! First up, however, comes a review of our monthly articles of which the stack is significantly thinner.
We have some interesting Runescape articles from our RS writers. The first article for September was Tim’s conclusion of his series on which quests a Runescape player should complete. Our next article marks Kirby’s final article for RSBANDBInformer! he looked back at his Runescape career and identified six things that haven’t really changed all that much. The last article is a look back on the last year at Jagex since Mark Gerhard has taken over CEO and reflects on what he said during his first Q&A.
Other articles we have include a commentary on what would be ideal in terms of changing the Internet for 2010. We also had an article on gaming and piracy, and the effects piracy has had on the industry. Finally, our guest article for September was written by Chief Snake. In the article he discussed the level of choice available in Linux compared with Windows and Mac OS.
This month the RSBandB Skill of The Month was Summoning. Bryan B won gaining roughly 4.35M xp while Riceay13 came in second with 2.8M xp and ChrisT came in third with 2.6M xp. Bryan, here’s your trophy:
Our other competition winners this month include Asovse1 for Last Man Standing Hide and Seek and Dungeoneering races, Earth271072 for Conquest? and Dungeoneering races, Jay for Last Man Standing Hide and Seek, Conquest?, and Dungeoneering races, and Warren for Last Man Standing Hide and Seek. Congratulations to you all.
As I said earlier September often brings change. We are changing at Informer once again. This month we say farewell to Kirby and Directxfire. We thank them for all of their contributions to RSBANDBInformer!
This means that we are now looking for two new writers. One RS writer and one Gaming writer. These positions will be filled through an application contest. If you think you have what it takes you can find the information needed to send us an application in this forum topic.
In closing I’d just like to remind everyone to attend Boss Takedown every other week (next one’s on the 8th) and PC Gaming weekly.
Farewell until next month 🙂