July was the most revolutionary month for RuneScape since RuneScape 2 was released over 4 years ago. July was kicked off with the release of RuneScape HD and Fullscreen mode. Granted the graphics aren’t as good as games such as Halo and Crysis but still, they are revolutionary in the sense that it brings a whole new aspect to RuneScape. You can find out more in Anubis’ article on this matter.
Two weeks later we saw the release of another much anticipated update, Item Lending and a bank update. Item lending was much desired after the removal of unbalanced trade last december. The bank update brought in bank tabs along with search. Jasonmrc wrote an article on this you can find it here.
Finally in the last week of July, Jagex released their first wilderness quest. The quest was a standard quest by Jagex’s standards in the way that it required you to help out a damsel in distress. It also created a new story thread. You can find the article for this quest written by Alex.
On the tech side this month we have another look at the browser market in 2008 by Pfkninenines. Next we have an analysis of what the current problem with merging the world of old media and new media. Finally Pfkninenines had a nice discussion as to whether or not a pretty interface would make him move to a different operating system.
In gaming this month we have a look at the Best Super Nintendo games written by Total Plox. Ryan had an interesting discussion with you guys as to whether or not every game needs planning and strategy.
This month Slimppu claimed his 8th SOTM win.
This month Lance won SKOTM with over 5.1M xp gained in Mining. Good job.
Finally I’d like to mention the Runescape Reader’s Digest. They are a blog that aggregate interesting articles, posts, guides, and discussions from other websites. We have exchanged links with them, you can now see their link at the bottom of the page under “Friends of Informer.”
That’s all for now,
Shane, Brad, MQ, and The Informer Staff