Remembrance, AAA Games, Squats, and Neutrality

posted by on 2nd December 2017, at 12:02am | Discuss Article

Hello Everyone!

December is now upon us and the advent calendars have appeared with only 25 days until Christmas. December will surely bring in the holiday season and we’re going to help you with that. Looking ahead I know that we have a couple year in review style features planned but… we should look at November first.

We started off November remembering those fallen, both in the real world and in RuneScape. Alex composed a poem commemorating those lost in the God War: One and the Same. For the rest of the month we departed from RuneScape. November also features Black Friday and Tanis wrote about the fall’s AAA game line up and what may be worth picking up on sale. Colton wrote about one of his hobbies, powerlifting! In the start of this series he covers the bench, squat, and deadlift. Our final article from yours truly talks about net neutrality, why net neutrality is needed and why we need to go further.

Our Thieving Skill of the Month saw what was thought to be an early win by Jamandy52 but later The RRMan took the lead and then Flash took the lead. Jamandy52 came back in the end to win in the final 4 days with a final experience of 20,601,716 earned.

Here’s your trophy:

November 2017 SKOTM Trophy

Flash came in second with 17.7 million experience gained and The RRMan came in third with 14.4 million experience gained.

A note on Skill of the Month before we begin a new year of competitions. We are considering a couple of changes to the competitions and would be interested in hearing your thoughts:

  1. Allow voting on every other skill. In the event of a tie, the skill would be randomly chosen.
  2. Make combat skills more rare. One combat skill every 3 months at most. Right now we could have a string of 3 combat skills in a row.

We’ll see you at the end of December!

Net Neutrality: The Tip of the Iceberg

posted by on 30th November 2017, at 11:53pm | Discuss Article
There’s been a recent revival of activism online regarding Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is the policy that was coined some years ago stating that internet service providers (ISPs) should not give priority to certain types of connections. To give a brief example of how this works, imagine an ISP has their own video streaming service […]

Powerlifting Basics: The Bench Press

posted by on 27th November 2017, at 10:35am | Discuss Article
Whether you have a moderate level of experience with the world of weightlifting or you have never once touched an iron plate or stepped foot in a gym, this article is for you. For the last five years, I have been investing over 10 hours each week in an effort to better understand the mechanics […]

The Best of AAA’s Fall Line Up

posted by on 20th November 2017, at 5:58pm | Discuss Article
Halloween is over and Christmas is right around the corner. The weather is changing and there is excitement in the air. For all of us gamers, we’re excited about the fall lineup. Every year some of the best games of the year are released around this time. This year we have a heaping helping of […]

Alex’s Analysis – One and the Same

posted by on 12th November 2017, at 3:49pm | Discuss Article
To celebrate Remembrance Day (Armistice Day), I wrote a little poem about us remembering the poor souls that died and continue to fight in the old God Wars dungeon. I hope you enjoy it; it’s been a while since I’ve done this.   May we reconcile, for just a short while? You owe it to […]

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