Hello 2012 and Goodbye 2011!

posted by on 1st January 2012, at 9:17pm | Discuss Article

I hope your 2011 was somewhat less chaotic than mine was. So many changes, so many twists, so many turns, I hope 2012 will be a little bit quieter. I’m going to start off that trend with this little roundup for December 2011.

We began our RuneScape coverage in December with an article from Alex detailing the Loyalty Programme as a whole as well as the new rewards released in December. Since 2011 was coming to an end it made sense to take a look at the RuneScape highlights of 2011 in less than 2,011 words which is what Jason did! Then came Christmas, the Christmas break, lots of free time; what a better time to do three quests Tim suggests. Finally we wrapped the year up with a guest article from Uncle Dano discussing his favourite update of the year, the Bot Nuke which subsequently led to the Redemption of RuneScape.

Our other articles for the month consisted of a discussion of digital distribution and how it has changed gaming marketplace. Our second gaming article written by Brimmk discusses the Spike TV Video Game Awards and the negative image they project onto the gaming industry. Finally our gaming and tech articles were wrapped up with a discussion of the current state of the social network space.

In the final Skill of The Month of 2011 Allta gained 7,079,769 Smithing experience. Well done!

With it being the end of the year we can’t forget Skiller Of The Year. Skiller Of The Year is awarded to the member who gained the most experience in all 2011 Skill of The Month competitions. That means the winner for 2011 is: thelion777. He gained a grand total of 46,389,023 experience through all signed up competitions, second place is awarded to Priss with 24,424,196 experience, and third goes to Ataronchronon at 19,465,990 experience.

2012 is afoot and we’ll be back with our usual stream of articles later this week!

Have a good year,

Shane, King Kulla, Earth, and the rest of the Informer Staff.

Guest Article: Bot Nuke, the Redemption of RuneScape

posted by on 31st December 2011, at 6:39pm | Discuss Article
This guest article is courtesy of Uncle Dano. This article initially started out as a speech for RSBANDBUpdate! 339 in which we asked listeners to pick their favourite RuneScape update of the year. The update described here was Uncle Dano’s favourite update. We hope you enjoy this piece. On October 25, 2011, Jagex released an […]

The Social Network Space: 2011

posted by on 21st December 2011, at 9:57pm | Discuss Article
Social networking has come a long way since it began in 2006. Social networking has also come a long way in 2011. Almost everyone who has internet access is present on at least one social network. RuneWire is a social network, Xbox live is a social network, there are numerous social networking services around, almost […]

Software Engineering in Practice

posted by on 26th November 2011, at 5:03pm | Discuss Article
It’s been a while since I’ve talked about Software Engineering and just what exactly it is. For those who haven’t read the previous article you should go back and read it if you really want to understand why this article is laid out in this format. This article is also rare in that it is […]

October: Not So Scary

posted by on 3rd November 2011, at 4:27am | Discuss Article
Here in the northern hemisphere it’s starting to become crisp, Halloween happened, and that of course means RuneFest also took place. Look for a special RuneFest Debrief episode of RSBANDBUpdate! this week. This brings us to the first article of the month, RuneFest Should Have It’s Own Babbling Brook written by Asa discussing options for participating […]

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