Can February March? No, but April May!

posted by on 2nd April 2016, at 5:18pm | Discuss Article

Hello! It’s Shane here with another monthly roundup- wait a minute! I’m not Shane! Haha April Fool’s! Well, now that I’ve got that out of the way, it’s time for a look back on the past month here at RsBandB!

Our very busy RSBANDBUpdate! cohost Colton started us off this month with the second part of his Mahjarrat Lore series; a fascinating look at the infighting and intrigue among the various Mahjarrat. Next, Tanis discussed the ever changing path of Invention and how the updates to the newest skill are generally helpful. Following that, Alex gave us his ever eloquent insight on how we can be Earning Our Updates. Shane tackled a very serious issue in our day and age: The Crackable iPhone. Lastly, Mr Bistro wrote about the premier Runescape update this month, God Wars!

In our most recent Skill of the Month, Sorensen57 invented a way to the finish line ahead of the other competitors, amassing an amazing 40.4M xp! Rounding out the top three was Davo with 35.4M, and Pyrnassius with 13.1M. Congratulations to Sorensen57, here is your trophy!

If you have a desire to join our writing team, we are looking for at least one new individual to write about RuneScape! Please apply, here’s how:

  • Write a 750 word minimum article about Jagex’s 15 Years of RuneScape (avoid news post re-hashes) or tell the readers about your favourite non-combat feature currently in game.
  • Bonus points will be awarded for: pictures and other rich media, pizzazz, and a willingness to go against conventional player, community, or Jagex wisdom.
  • Send the article to Shane or Myself on the forums
  • Include your Runescape name, country, timezone, and the easiest way to contact you!

Well, that’s all from me, hope you all have a great month!

King Kulla

God Wars for a New Generation

posted by on 31st March 2016, at 10:18pm | Discuss Article
As each day passes, players of RuneScape are given new content to keep them interested in the game. This whole month and dare I say several months since it’s announcement this has been the trend; God Wars II is finally here. With striking resemblance to its predecessor I couldn’t be more conflicted. To start off, […]

The Crackable iPhone

posted by on 30th March 2016, at 12:36am | Discuss Article
In December 2015 a terror attack was carried out in San Bernardino by two radical islamofascists. In the ensuing investigation it was discovered that an iPhone of one of the attackers was recovered. This iPhone then became the target of a FBI investigation in order to retrieve the data off it. The FBI was ultimately […]

Alex’s Analysis – Earning Our Updates

posted by on 27th March 2016, at 10:31pm | Discuss Article
Earning our… hmm, hang on a sec … hey, Nuli, did I write about something like this before? … you know, back when the world events all came out? … no? You sure? … hm, alright then. Never mind. Heyo. Would’ve liked to write about God Wars 2, since it’s such an exciting upcoming event. […]

Invention Marches On

posted by on 24th March 2016, at 9:00am | Discuss Article
Invention was released at the end of January and despite my best efforts it was extremely difficult to cover upon release. Changes to the skill were happening nearly every day the first week of the release, culminating in the biggest xp buff I’ve ever seen, and happening literally as I was signing off my January […]

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