Profiles, Unfinished Business, and We’re Hiring!

posted by on 3rd September 2017, at 4:01pm | Discuss Article

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone’s summer has been fulfilling both in RuneScape and in the sun outside. This month we had a selection of articles that delve deep into the current affairs of RuneScape and take stock of the current crop of updates.

This month was started off by Colton with a new series, NPC Profiles. This month he chose to focus on the Wise Old Man. NPC Profiles will go through the history of the character and provide a fun look on just how much of an impact these NPCs have in RuneScape. Want to see more? Let Colton know!

It was only back in July that Jagex announced that expansions were being abandoned. In place of expansions the new strategy will be known as “Unfinished Business.” The plan is to focus on areas of the game that have been neglected over time to bring some finishing polish to them. Tanis this month took a look at this strategy and asked the question, will Unfinished Business turn into Unfocused Business?

Along with the Unfinished Business strategy Jagex has been focusing in on Ninja fixes for the game’s existing features. One of those to receive a bit of attention this month was the Livid Farm. Alex took note of this and was wondering what’s fair to players who have already completed content that has been made easier by Ninja fixes. This includes of course Livid Farm and Castle Wars, read more in Mercy Finishing.

Our final article of the month comes from Mr. Bistro, and is entitled Summoning Some Sad Situations. Summoning was once billed as a skill to enrich the way we play the game with familiars, familiars can still do that. The problem though? Pets. The game has been flooded with more pets through other means than Summoning ever offered, Mr. Bistro examines this issue. Also, this is Mr. Bistro’s last article with us as a regular writer, we wish him well.

In our Invention Skill of the Month we saw Jamandy52 blow away the competition with 72,165,280 experience gained. Here’s your trophy:

August 2017 SKOTM Trophy

In second place we had Pyrnassius with 9.2 million experience gained and in third was Xbladez with 8.3 million experience gained.

This month I’m also happy to announce that Informer is looking for new writers! If you want to write about RuneScape or even just like writing, get in contact with us. We want you to write an article ranging from 500 to 1,000 words long about your favourite RuneScape subject. If we like what we write we’ll get in contact with you about writing for us on a monthly basis. If you want to submit your article or have any questions, private message Shane on the forums or email us your article to

Summoning Some Sad Situations

posted by on 1st September 2017, at 3:26pm | Discuss Article
Jagex has been shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to pets in RuneScape. I can understand that many of the pets are buyable and important to keeping the game funded. But when you factor in that there is a skill in the game that’s intention was to summon creatures, why are pets separate? […]

Alex’s Analysis – Mercy Finishing

posted by on 31st August 2017, at 6:20pm | Discuss Article
Before I start, no, this isn’t about the update to the Overwatch character. You’re on the wrong fan-site. Go away. Anyone like the Livid Farm? I mean, not just using it as a viable means of training, but also because it presents an interesting, rather unique challenge that piques your interest more as a gamer […]

Unfocused Business

posted by on 20th August 2017, at 3:47pm | Discuss Article
In July Jagex announced that they were stopping all work on expansions in favor of a different approach they called Unfinished Business. Mod Osbourne made a video explaining the decision and what this would mean in the future. He also gave convincing reasons why Jagex had made this decision. Many players were stunned and others […]

NPC Profiles: The Wise Old Man

posted by on 15th August 2017, at 12:57am | Discuss Article
Take a moment and close your eyes for me. Well, hold on. Maybe keep them open. You do need to read this part. Simply imagine, if you will, the epitome of the grandfather figure. A man who has lived, travelled, adventured here and yon with countless stories to tell, knowledge and wisdom beyond measure. Now […]

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