Good news for all you Germans! Jagex has officially announced the launch of a Pay-By-Phone option in Germany! For those who are without a credit card, the Pay-By-Phone service allows a player to easily subscribe for “membersâ€!
The price for Pay-By-Phone in Germany is EUR6.99 for one month of membership. The reason for the increase of price (as compared to the EUR4.60 per month using credit card) is to cover the additional costs Jagex incurs running the convenience of the Pay-By-Phone service. Note: The other existing payment methods will remain at the same price as before.
Any players from Germany who wish to subscribe through Pay-By-Phone can do so by clicking the ‘Start a new subscription’ link, located on the RuneScape front page.
Enjoy your spring!
Jagex took us again by surprise this month as, along with a massive extension of the Dorgeshuun caverns, they treated us to a few smaller updates. Much to the delight of many aspiring fishermen, Jagex has improved the Fishing Trawler minigame. Captain Murphy, through adventurous expeditions of many leagues, has discovered a new spot swarming […]
As January began, Jagex released the much anticipated new mini-game: Barbarian Assault. This game went off of a similar tact as that of Pest Control. You join a team, and participate to destroy marauding monsters, and to protect the land from oblivion. There is, however, a surprising twist. Teamwork is absolutely essential in winning the […]
‘A new quest? Easy stuff,’ I thought as I strode confidently up to a large house. A few days earlier, as I was, erm, ‘refreshing’ myself at the Burthorpe Bar, I heard several young adventurers talking about a maiden in distress; a beautiful lady in need of my assistance. Something about a comfortable bed…new invention…I […]
For the second update for the month of November, Jagex gave itself a bit of a break, and decided to stage a minor update. Though small, the update is nevertheless stock full of many updates to feast your eyes upon. To name a few, this update included new area guides, more wallpapers, and the long-awaited […]
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