Our Legacy

posted by on 2nd August 2014, at 2:32am

Hello everyone and welcome to another Informer roundup!

This month brought us the release of Legacy mode. It’s with good reason that a good number of our articles this month are tailored towards Legacy in one way or another. Our first article this month came from Alex and is entitled Loving Legacy. Alex highlights the authenticity of Legacy while maintaining that Jagex did not have to provide this given there are many other projects on the go, give it a read. Next up Lord Rickles made a personal discovery in RuneScape pertaining to his much loved Dragon equipment. He’s Letting It Go and encourages others to do the same. One thing that became apparent throughout the Legacy beta process is that many players expect the game to behave exactly how they want. And when they don’t it becomes a case of “But It’s Not How *I* Wanted!” with disastrous consequences, Jason elaborates. Nostalgiascape is something that everyone who plays RuneScape experiences and there are different ways to achieve this positive feeling. Tanis shows us that we don’t all need a Legacy Mode or Old School RuneScape in order to accomplish this. In our technology section I talked about The Thinning Line Between Game and Reality through the use of X-Plane, a flight simulator. Courtesy of Duke we were reminded of the origins of handheld gaming. Finally, Mr Bistro made his debut with a discussion on 120 capes, 120 Capes: A Gateway to Beyond and how they open the doorway to an untapped world of adventure on RuneScape.

In our July Divination Skill of The Month we saw a race that defied all norms. Throughout the month Flash and Tim battled for first place. While below that there was a series of ongoing battles for various placements. In the end Flash prevailed with 26,946,050 experience gained. Here is your trophy:

Congratulations on a well fought battle!

In other news everyone should check out our summer action bar competition. Submit an action bar to the competition and it will be voted on by our community. The winner will receive a Bond and the runner ups will receive a gp prize. To enter all one needs to do is set up an action bar that shows off something you do in RuneScape. It could be for boss slaying, Slayer itself, or completing that Farming run in the most efficient manner. The contest runs through August 15th. Check out the forum thread for more details.

Next week our website, RSBandB, will be celebrating its 10th birthday. We invite you all to celebrate RSBandB’s Legacy, our Legacy, with us. The following week we will be hosting a traditional birthday event. This event will be reminiscent of our most favourite events. You might have an inkling of what this event will feature but for now it’s our job to leave you guessing. Full details will be released later this week.

Happy Birthday RSBandB!

See you next month.

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