August: All About Gaming

posted by on 1st September 2011, at 5:00pm

Summer’s over now, I hope everyone is getting back into the joyous routine of school and homework in the evening. While you’re taking a break from studying we hope that you’ll read our selection of articles that will be available throughout the month. For those of you who have not been keeping up here’s a quick review of August.

The Miscellania Kingdom is one resource in RuneScape which is often not utilized to its maximum potential, Asa has a quick guide available on how to make the most of it. Sometimes we’re compelled to follow the leader and use whatever method is preferred, but Alex has a different idea that involves doing your own thing. Tim’s Dungeoneering Time series continued on, talking about a few tedious bosses. The rest of the articles from the month focused highly on RuneScape graphics. Jason’s article discussed graphical updates to RuneScape and whether or not they were required in regards to the bigger picture. The second graphics related article had to do with the game interface itself and why it’s so important. Our guest article of the month came from Paul who shared the ever so important knowledge of how to build a computer (pictures included!)

The August Dungeoneering Skill of The Month was won by XBladez. He gained a grand total of 12,007,399 experience. Well done! Here’s your trophy:

Second place consisted of Ssorensen57 with approximately 7.4 million experienced gained. Bonsai99 took third place with roughly 3.4 million experience. Overall 33,266,862 Dungeoneering experience was gained.

I’d also just like to quickly mention that all articles from this point forward will now be discussed on the forums. They’ll be cross posted into an appropriate forum. RuneScape general for RuneScape articles, gaming for gaming, and Tech Talk for tech.

Finally, I’d like to take a moment to welcome Duke Juker to the Informer team as our newest writer. He’ll be writing about all things related to gaming; not just reviews, not just gaming news, but anything he wants in relation to gaming. His article that he wrote for his application will be published in the first week of September, watch for it.

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