Hello everyone, I hope you all have had a good start to 2011. Starting off this month was Tim with his continuing series on Dungeoneering. His newest article discussed taking down three of the lower level bosses. You can find the analysis in It’s Dungeoneering Time!!! Part 2. Next up Alex talked about January’s quest, King of the Dwarves, and it’s ramifications on the Dwarven storyline. This month’s tech article discusses building a Sandy Bridge based gaming computer. The Gaming IndusTree isn’t always perceived in this way, read Jason’s Article to find out the amount of good they can do for a person. Next up was part 2 of an article chronicling the history of Gielinor, from Brimmk, and how that land we all know got to where it is today. This month’s guest article was from Mr. Sherdo on the forums which discussed League of Legends. We ended the month with Shwa taking a look at what lead to today’s decision to bring the wilderness and free trade back.
The first Skill of The Month for 2011 was Slayer. We saw a race between two top contenders and a number of smaller races between the participants. When the month ended thelion777 gained a massive 5 million Slayer experience, in second was RSGamer with 3.1 million experience, and third place went to Ranging God with 1.1 million experience gained. Overall the competitors gained 16,364,719 experience. Congratulations thelion777.
Here is your trophy:
Also, in closing I’d like everyone to be on the lookout in the coming days for some February events that will utilize the new features restored to the game this week ;). In the mean time you can join us on Friday for some action at Bandos after RSBANDBUpdate! 294 live.
Chief Snake also requires your help. As you may have noticed most of our stat signatures don’t use images rendered using OpenGL or Directx. Chief would like your help by providing character images for a new set of backgrounds he is going to be releasing as signatures. You can find out how to help him here.
Have a great month under the new Free Trade and Wilderness policies of Jagex :D.