May, Good To See You Again

posted by on 4th June 2018, at 3:05am

Hello everyone! Lots of news over at RsBandB and Informer especially this past month! With that said, let’s get to it.

Tanis started off our month with Cracks in the Foundation, a look at the newest addition to Thieving, Safecracking. This month’s Alex’s Analysis took on the new unusual quest released under much speculation, You Are It. Colton took a trip to the past and reminisced about his history with  Treasure Trails, and our dear leader Shane discussed the oftentimes flawed methodology of polls.

Our newest Informer recruits debuted with their first official articles! The ever thoughtful Cireon went into detail about Analysing Skilling Variety, and our new resident PvM expert David gave tips and tricks on dealing with Solak, the newest boss. Go check them out!

Also this month was a guest article from RsBandB moderator, Clan Quest extraordinaire and all around good guy Earth, who wrote about an old racing game favourite Burnout Paradise, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. Almost makes me want to fire up the game again for the first time in awhile!

That brings us up to a whopping 7 Informer articles for this month. Expect more goodies next month as our new recruits settle into their roles.

May’s Thieving Skill of the Month included everyone getting at least 3M xp, so well done on that front to everyone who signed up! Of the 10 participants who signed up, Sorensen57 pulled ahead of the pack with an amassed 77.6Mxp. Congratulations Sorensen57, here is your pixel based trophy:

Also in Skill of the Month news, going forward Skill of the Month will be open to the public. This means that you will no longer need a forum account to sign up. Sign up starts one week before the end of the month and you can find the signup form here.

With that said, we will see you next month for another roundup! Have a good June everyone.

King Kulla

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