Moving The Summer Along

posted by on 5th August 2011, at 10:51pm

I hope everyones summer is going well. I know King Kulla and myself certainly had an entertaining July. We hope that we were also able to provide that to you through our selection of articles. Right off the top I would like to mention that we are looking for some writers, check out this topic for more information. If you’re at all interested in writing for Rsbandb, this topic is definitely something to check out!

This month Tim continued on with the Dungeoneering Time series covering the last of the “Furnished Floors” bosses. With free trade abundant in RuneScape we must look to the Grand Exchange and whether or not it can be seen as a stock market. Some of you will remember that Alex recently talked about what a goal might look like, this month he talks about what you can do to actually start working on a recently set goal. Finally, we all know how Jagex is known for their free-to-play game model but other games are doing it now too, what does Jagex need to do to stay on top?

This month we have two tech articles. The first tech article discusses the release of Mac OS X Lion and how it sets the trend for future desktop operating systems. The other tech article comes in the form of a guest article from Bryan. He tells us about smartphones and how they’ve become a device that’s accessible to everyone. He also discusses a few reasons why people might choose to use a “dumbphone” instead of a smartphone. If you’d like to write your own guest article you can find out how by reading this page.

The July Skill of The Month was won by Sxe Ketchup who amassed 4,097,584 Agility experience! In total 10,981,447 experience was gained by all participants. Congratulations to our winner who competed in this very tedious Skill of The Month! Here is your trophy:

Just remember to check out our application topic if you’re interested in becoming a member of the Informer staff. King Kulla and I look forward to reading all of your submissions! :).

PS: This is a tad late due to me being away and King Kulla’s internet not cooperating.

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