Fresh March

posted by on 2nd March 2009, at 2:46pm

February has come and gone and with that it’s time for my monthly roundup. February started out with the inaugural articles from Kirby, Kenny, and Tim. These articles were a look back at BTS ’09, Saints Row 2, and Farming respectively. Following we had the release of Soul Wars which was covered by Shwa. In between Soul Wars and the Random Event update we had a great selection of articles ranging from Alex’s way of doing Treasure Trails to Everyday Heroes of Runescape and a look at a conceptual update for Runescape. Our second gaming article was a review of Dead Space by Total Plox. In tech this month I wrote up a brief intro to routers, meanwhile Paul wrote about Virtual Box.

Most of you are expecting that SOTM will be filling this void, however, we’ve decided to abandon SOTM as the new voting system is practically a SOTM every week. Do not fear, I bring great news from the Farming SKOTM. Addiv won the February Farming SKOTM with 6.1M xp gained, Chief Snake won second with 5.6M xp gained. Good job to all those who participated and gained XP.

Farming 2009 SKOTM

Most importantly you’ve probably already noticed our new website design which can be seen here on Informer but also the main site and Update. Thank you to Chief Snake for creating this design. With this design you will find that the staff page is automatically updated to reflect changes in staff.

Hope you all enjoy,
That’s all for today!

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