R! Informer Turns 1 Year Old!!

posted by on 31st May 2007, at 9:51pm

RSBANDBInformer! has finally reached it’s one year anniversary! To start we’d like to thank everyone who has wrote the various articles for us over the past year. However, Informer would not have been impossible without the readers who keep coming back monthly to see what’s new. Thanks!

Now on to business… This month we have our regular selection of articles covering Runescape updates which consisted of articles for, the bracelet update from late April, the Dream Mentor quest, the Karamja achievement diary and monster graphical update by Kelsey and 7870074 respectively. A huge selection of tech articles from Matthew including browser wars, apps of the month, and a tech news review. Our resident Panda has delivered an article comparing the Nintendo DS vs. The PSP. Bluebrisingr has an interesting article this month on gamer stereotypes, a must read! Alex has continued his tradition of Manya’s Mayhem and Dex Delivers. Meanwhile Karl has unleashed three more comics. Finally we close off this month with an interview of Brad and I on the creation of RSBANDBInformer!

Landspeeder has once again captured a signature of the month win with this signature:

Here is your trophy:

Congratulations to Sig of The Week for it’s 100th week. Also congratulations to RSBANDBUpdate! for completing it’s 100th episode this month!

That’s all for this month,
Shane, Brad, and The Informer Crew.

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